Inauguration de la centrale photovoltaïque Albi-Pélissier
Inauguration of the Albi-Pélissier photovoltaic plant
The Albi-Pélissier ground-based photovoltaic plant was officially inaugurated on October 1 and 2, 2021 in the presence of the project partners and several hundred inhabitants who came in large numbers to discover this site reconversion.
In operation since May 2021, this plant has started in just under three and a half years following the Call for Expressions of Interest launched by the Mairie d'Albi at the start of 2018. This project was first presented to CRE's calls for tenders in the summer of 2019 and was selected as the winner allowing it to obtain its operating license. Construction was thus able to begin in September 2020 after the contract was awarded to MATEOS Electricité under the supervision of Acteam ENR.
From an environmental point of view, the Albi-Pélissier project was exemplary with the completion of an impact study and ecological monitoring during the construction phase, notably with the protection of an area in the heart of the power plant. where protected species had been detected by the ARTIFEX design office.
Finally, during the operation phase, the project company has planned an annual budget dedicated to local actions in order to raise public awareness about renewable energies and to put in place environmental and financial solutions in favor of the energy transition. This was made possible thanks to the choice of the final purchaser of electricity which is the cooperative society Enercoop .
In total, 13,000 photovoltaic panels are in service and produce 6,600 MWh of renewable electricity each year, ie the consumption of 2,000 households.
The plant also participates in the State's commitments through the multi-year energy program, which aims to increase the production of renewable energies in the French energy mix and to lower our carbon emissions.